Our New GNN Community Project: Good Gardening

GNN’s new managing editor Andy Corbley (pictured above in his garden in Vergiate, Italy) is starting a new discussion group around one of the most popular and healthful hobbies of all–gardening.

Every Friday, he will pose a new topic so that everyone can share tips, best practices and photos. This week, Andy wants to hear your views on the most fundamental of gardening hacks: amending the soil.

Post a picture of yourself in your garden between now and next Friday, and we might add it to the photo collage in the Good Gardening banner image—either by email ([email protected]) or on our Facebook page where we’ve posted this…

Good Gardening Week 1: Let’s Talk Soil Amendments

“85% of all life on this planet including you and I live within the top 12 inches of the soil,” — Sadhguru.

Question 1: Do you add something to your garden or paddock to build soil quality?

Question 2: What have you heard of/seen other people use?

Question 3: What would you like to try adding in the future?

Tell Us Here in The Comments, Or Take The Discussion To Our Facebook Page…

Good gardening rules

  • Positive attitude required.
  • Green thumbs can help novice greenhorns.
  • Share your gardening photos and resources.
  • Garden jargon encouraged!

Credit: Source link

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